Learn How To Find A Relationship That Embodies Healthy Masculine + Feminine Dynamics In 30 Days Or Less!
(This 4-week program for men and women begins Oct. 15th, and recordings will be available after each call)
Let's talk for a moment…
The person you choose as your romantic partner is one of the most important decisions you will EVER make.
And when you choose the right partner, every single area of your life will be greatly enhanced.
So, to find this person, you are going to need to be equipped with the right skill set and understanding of how masculine and feminine dynamics work…
Or you will spend valuable years of your life wasting it with people you don't actually align with if you haven't already.
The most common issues that you are likely bumping up against are:
➡️ You have no idea where to find a person who embodies healthy masculine or feminine energy.
➡️ You are experiencing dating burnout because there is too much confusion and games.
➡️ You don't know how to clearly communicate your needs and boundaries.
➡️ You struggle to progress a relationship from casual to committed.
➡️You don't fully understand how to date from your core energy which will make you magnetic to the person you actually desire.
➡️ You are taking the DIY approach and listening to friends/family on what you should do.
The problem is YOU ARE NOT GETTING ANY RESULTS AND ARE WASTING TIME, ENERGY AND MONEY on people you don't align with…
Am I right?
What if I could show you the exact formula that allowed me to cut through the trash dating scene and find my wife, Melissa?
My name is Jake Woodard and many years ago I accidentally discovered the most powerful secrets of the dating world and what makes people CLICK AND STICK together.
I had gone through countless breakups and hit rock bottom when I finally decided to embark upon a journey to find my wife.
And through this process I was able to find her when she was 3,000 miles away from me!
At this point I am proud to say I have helped thousands of people find true, deep, lasting love.
And I will help you do the same in just 30 days or less with my Polarity Dating 101 program.
Week 1: Breaking Free Of The Woke Dating Scene. Embodying your core energy and embracing polarity to set you up for dating success.
Week 2: Saying “NO” To The Beta Males And Boss Babes. Learn the 4 step process to quickly identify a healthy masculine or feminine person and WHERE to find them.
Week 3: Let's NOT Split The Bill. Learn the art of masculine courtship and feminine magnetism.
Week 4: Officially Off The Market. How to navigate the honeymoon phase and build a lasting connection so you can experience the nourishment of a relationship with polarity!
Bonus # 1: An additional coaching call with special guest, Melissa Woodard to help answer any of your dating questions!
Bonus #2: Traditional Dating 101 private Facebook Community!
No. This program is geared towards teaching you HOW to effectively date through your own embodiment and learning how to identify the type of partner that aligns with you.
Will I be able to ask questions?
Absolutely! This is an interactive experience.
There will be a chance to be selected for live 1:1 coaching also.
Plus, you get incredible feedback from the other men and women inside the private Facebook group.
Will I get the recordings if I cannot join live?
Yes! You will receive the recording within 24-48 hours after each call.
We can guarantee at least 12 month access after the program has been completed.
What exactly is included in this program?
4 weeks of live training every Tuesday from 6pm - 7pm EST beginning October 15th.
Private member's Facebook group of traditional minded men and women
Access to the recordings.
Fun exercises + challenges every week.
And whatever else we decide to throw in there to make sure you get life changing results! We know you will 😎
What is your refund policy for this program?
We get life happens! If you are in need of a refund BEFORE Polarity Dating 101 begins (October 15th), please send our support team an email within 7 days of your purchase. Read our full policy here.
What if my question isn't answered here?
We're here for you! Shoot our support team an email at ([email protected]) and we will help you as quickly as possible.
Please note: Any messages after 6pm EST will be responded to at 9am EST the next day.